Blessings, Kimberly Rose Johnson + Live Chat

Where would I be without you, my reader? For starters, I wouldn’t have books still being published. I so appreciate your enthusiasm, encouragement, and support. Some of you help me out on the spur of the moment with brainstorming, while others of you happily help to proofread my books and/or give me much needed feedback

Reader Appreciation: Blessings and Adventures, Heather L.L. FitzGerald

Dear Tethered World Friends, Thank you, thank you for your love and support of my family-friendly trilogy! It is humbling to know that you’ve shared a portion of your valuable time with the Larcens and their legendary friends. A particular shout-out to those of you who allowed me to convert your opinion about fantasy—giving my

Sincerely, Linda Hanna & Deborah Dulworth

Dear faithful readers, There are many occasions that deserve special thanks. First of all, we would like to express our deep appreciation for your encouragement and sweet words about our contemporary romance series, the Seasons of Change. We are also grateful for your willingness to share positive comments both online and with friends and family.

In His Love, Linda Thompson

Dear New Reading Friend, Although my daily work is weaving words, they’re inadequate to express how thrilled I am to meet you via this first novel! We writers toil away in the silence of our “writing garrets,” literally for years, in the hope of having the experience I’m having right now—seeing our stories meet readers