Linda Hanna, author of the SEASONS OF CHANGE series.

Linda Hanna

Dear faithful readers,

There are many occasions that deserve special thanks. First of all, we would like to express our deep appreciation for your encouragement and sweet words about our contemporary romance series, the Seasons of Change.

We are also grateful for your willingness to share positive comments both online and with friends and family. There was nothing random about spending time and effort in crafting your reviews. They not only put smiles on our faces, but helped to increase our readership. You’ve had an impact on our lives with kind words that have made a difference.

Deborah Dulworth, author of the SEASONS OF CHANGE series.

Deborah Dulworth

The two of us were humbled and honored that many of you attended our book signings and speaking engagements. Thank you for celebrating these exciting moments with us. Heartfelt appreciation goes to all who have held us up in prayer during the creative and promotional process. You’ve been a blessing to us.



Linda Hanna and Deborah Dulworth

A special thank you to the following reviewers:

“I enjoyed the suspense in this book and the happy ending as well. I was on the edge of my seat many times waiting to see what happened next.

A couple of characters had very strong harsh personalities. The authors did a good job of showing some background so they weren’t one dimensional.

I would read more books by them in the future.”

– Blythe Edwards

“I was either laughing or crying through this wonderful book! I was completely unfamiliar with these authors, but I can’t wait to read their next creation!!! Oh, my! So many interesting characters and quirky names of stores that made me giggle! Some of the lines that made me laugh: ”… does something crazy like buying a used camel and moving to the Empty Quarter of Abu Dhabi.” And: “his voice sounded like he regularly gargled with thumbtacks.” And: “We’re confident she has at least one redeeming quality, but none of us can quite put our finger on it. Dad says she has a black belt in verbal karate…” And there are so many more!

Then there is the serious side: tragedies, working through one’s grief, loneliness, healing of the heart, forgiveness, learning to trust, tolerance when someone is intolerable, ugly gossip, unjustified accusations, self-worth, love, … And, in the final words of Bob: “What does God have in store for us? …Reach for Me…” I would encourage everyone to read this book, and I can’t wait to see what the authors create next!!!!”

– Becky Smith