Dear Readers,

I’ve been given the welcome task of writing a love letter to my readers, and that is exactly what this is. I may not know you personally, but I do love and appreciate you for taking time out of your busy lives to read my books, something that still amazes me. A while ago I read a quote that said the process of writing a book is like a circle, and that circle isn’t closed until the story is read. A revelation struck me when I read that quote. I understood then why I have such a deep longing for the words I have written to be read. So thank you for reading my books and for helping me to close that circle. It is an honour and privilege to share with you the stories God has placed on my heart. I am praying for you, that as you read you will be drawn closer to God, that your faith will be challenged and will grow deeper and stronger, and that you will be blessed.

Grace and peace to you all,

Sara Davison