To my amazing, wonderful readers.

Miralee Ferrell, author of HORSES AND FRIENDS, Finding Love in Tombstone, Arizona, Finding Love in Last Chance, CA, Runaway Romance, and more.

Miralee Ferrell

I’m sitting here in awe. We were asked to find several of our book reviews so we can honor our reviewers. After reading and compiling a few, I sat shaking my head in utter humility that I have managed (somehow) to bless so many people with my writing. You have no idea how many times I feel like a fraud, pure and simple. I didn’t start writing until after I turned 50—late enough in life that I couldn’t believe I’d have anything worthwhile to say and certainly not much anyone would want to read. But you did. You have. And wonder of wonders, you liked what I wrote and even wanted more.

Bless you for that! At the times I’ve had some of my gravest doubts in myself or my abilities to weave a good story, I get an email or a hand-written letter that bowls me over and sometimes puts me in tears. Readers who tell me a book of mine changed their life—or literally saved their life when depression was so deep they didn’t want to go on. If only one person was ever touched to that degree, I believe I’ve accomplished what God called me to do—even if I never wrote another book. I give Him all the praise and honor and glory for what I’ve somehow accomplished…many times when I was clueless how to accomplish it while staring blankly at my computer screen.

I deeply thank and appreciate every single person who has read, enjoyed, and shared my books with their friends. You have made this later-in-life journey incredibly worthwhile. I appreciate you all, whether I’ve ever heard a word from you or not. And I truly love all of you I’ve had a chance to connect with over the years, in person or via the computer. You guys ROCK!

In Him and with my love,

Miralee Ferrell

And a special thank you to the following reviewers:

“I love this book! It kept my interest from the beginning until the very end. The mystery and suspense is great. I could never predict what would happen next and the author does excellent with the twists and turns in this book. Finding Love in Last Chance, California has romance and mystery and is so intriguing I did not want to stop reading. This is a great book to read and I definitely recommend it especially if you like romance and/or mystery. I will be reading more of Author Miralee Ferrell’s books.”

– Barbara Thompson [Finding Love in Last Chance, California Review]

“My daughter is LOVING this series. I love that she has found books that are clean and keep her interest. Ms. Ferrell can’t write them fast enough! We have pre-ordered each one and anxiously await each shipment.”

– Jamie Wooddell [A Horse for Kate Review]