[Sara Davison] Throwing the Covers off Our Heads

The temptation to stay in bed with the covers over our heads is strong. For many of us, we’ve lived with government recommendations—even, in some cases, demands—that we actually do stay in our homes. Shielding ourselves by staying home, turning off the news, engaging in safe, warm, cozy activities and light books and entertainment in an attempt to block out or forget about all that is going on is an understandable desire.

[Sara Davison] Putting the A back into ACTS

Since the pandemic began, I have been more intentional than ever about carving out time for prayer and reading the Bible every morning. I have found this quiet time to be the most effective weapon against fear, uncertainty, and anxiety. Recently, though, I started to examine how I was praying. Too often, I rushed into

[Jeanette-Marie Mirich] Life Interrupted

When Henri Nouwen’s life was interrupted by the death of a loved one, confronted by poverty, his quiet monastic life by busyness, and his emotional safety by the collapse of a deep friendship, Nouwen, a Roman Catholic priest and spiritual writer asks in Beyond the Mirror, “Where is God? And Who is God for me?”

[Miralee Ferrell] Family

Family—a word that should evoke feelings of safety and belonging. Mother—a word that should bring a smile to the face of any child—whether young or old. What happens when both, or either, of those words stirs up something totally different? A harsh judgmental mother, an absentee mother, a mother striving to find her worth in