A Mile in Someone Else’s Shoes [Sara Davison]

Have you ever had a pair of shoes that were so perfectly worn around your feet, so completely comfortable, that you never wanted to take them off or wear another pair? New shoes can be the opposite—uncomfortable and sometimes even painful. But often they are also beautiful, and it is well worth the effort to try them on, break them in, give them time to adapt and mold to your feet.

Our comfort zone is the same.

[Guest: Tracie Heskett] Quiet, Please

“How many times have we been wearied by someone’s many words? Perhaps you’re not much for small talk and you’d like for the other person to get to the point so you can hear and understand their meaning. Or, we might enjoy spending time with a friend, but sometimes we can’t seem to get a word in edgewise; we’d like to have our thoughts heard instead of listening all the time.”