[Bryan Davis] If I Should Die

“If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.”

As a pre-school youngster, I often whispered that prayer while covering my head with a blanket. Rumors of war, tornado warnings, or even a bump in the night would raise fears of death in my young mind. What would happen if I should die? Would I live on in heaven? Would God really take my soul to be with him?

[Sara Davison] Throwing the Covers off Our Heads

The temptation to stay in bed with the covers over our heads is strong. For many of us, we’ve lived with government recommendations—even, in some cases, demands—that we actually do stay in our homes. Shielding ourselves by staying home, turning off the news, engaging in safe, warm, cozy activities and light books and entertainment in an attempt to block out or forget about all that is going on is an understandable desire.

[Kristen Hogrefe Parnell] The Secret to Anticipating Christmas

How do you anticipate a season if you’re dreading it? For some, this year has been full of blessings, but for many, it’s been one challenge after another. I feel you. This year has been a mixed bag for me.
The secret is that anticipating Christmas doesn’t depend on our circumstances.

[Alyssa Roat] Disabilities in Fiction

Picture Credit: Dysautonomia International I’ve always been a reader, and like anyone else, I love an inspirational story. And what’s more inspirational than miraculous healings, rising above disabilities and illnesses, or an able-bodied person learning lessons from someone who has it worse? There’s a place for that. Especially since fiction is just that, fictional. But

[Jeanette-Marie Mirich] Collector of Memories

C.S. Lewis writes in his essay on Historicism, ‘pre-historic poetry has perished because words before writing are winged.’ The oral tradition of storytelling is in hibernation. Sitting on the porch watching the fireflies’ nightly dance creates time for reflection. Today, who has time to sit quietly and listen to the family lore dished up with