Mirror, Mirror on the Wall [Terrie Todd]

Do you remember the Facebook challenge where one woman would nominate another to post a photo of herself devoid of makeup and hairstyling? The purpose of this exercise, if I understand it, was to celebrate the natural beauty of all women and to recognize that what’s on the inside is what makes a woman truly

Celebrating Firsts and All the Moments In Between [Kristen Hogrefe Parnell]

First bath. First smile. First laugh. As a new mom, I celebrate all my baby boy’s firsts. First Christmas? Time for a trip to Hobby Lobby to get him a stocking! But the truth is, firsts can be hard too. First boo-boo. First break-up. First accident. The challenge with firsts is that depending on our

What if God Calls Me to Something I Hate? [Hope Bolinger]

What if God calls me to something I hate? This is a question I often asked myself when I looked publishing square in the eye and wondered if I could stay in my dream career forever. I’d been working as an SEO manager at the time and trying to write in whatever bubbles of time