When the Teapot Boils [Patricia Lee]

I never had a burning passion to write a book. Like a teapot simmering on a stove’s back burner, my idea to write a novel also sat.

Write a book? Ninety-some thousand words? I couldn’t imagine such a feat.

But the teapot on the back of the stove kept simmering.

[Patricia Lee] Searching for Thankfulness

As the year 2020 nears its end, many of us sigh in relief. The past several months have been filled with one crisis after another, from COVID-19, to congressional antics, to claims of election fraud. We, as a nation, are anxious for the curtain to fall on this chapter of our history. Lock the door.

[Patricia Lee] What Writers and Squirrels Have in Common

Every good story needs a main character. Writers work at creating a personality readers will care about and root for. This story has one. A rodent. Brown beady eyes, a big furry tail, and a set of feet that permit it to climb to unfathomable reaches. My husband and I named her Mischief. Intrigued? She

Reader Appreciation: Thank you, Patricia Lee + Reviewer Thanks

To all who have read at least one story from the Mended Hearts series: You can’t imagine how wonderful it is to have a reader come up to me and say “I absolutely loved your book. I couldn’t put it down!” Or another who said, “You made me cry.” And yet another: “I can’t wait

[Patricia Lee] The Story Behind “An Anchor on Her Heart”

“Why I Wrote An Anchor on Her Heart” Guest Post by Patricia Lee When my son graduated from college with a degree in biology, coupled with the required extra units for a marine science certification, my heart swelled with pride. After he was hired by a Seattle-based company as an observer biologist for the National Marine