Burnout. There’s not an author you’ll meet in this industry who hasn’t encountered it. In fact, most of us don’t even write full time. We have a 9 to 5 to take care of the household finances. So we have to squeeze writing in in the early morning, after the kids go to bed, and on the weekend where our relatives bombard our phones with texts like, “Why can’t you make it to the Labor Day picnic again?”

Not to mention the marketing, the sheer amount of edits, the checking in with reviewers, the making sure all the cover revealers shared on the cover reveal day (and not a moment before), the, the, the…it gets exhausting.

The Bible so often calls us to rest, and once we get knee-deep into this industry, I think we understand the reason why.

Because yes, Scripture calls us to work, but it also beckons us onto our front porch swings to watch sunrises and rejoice in the glory of the Lord.

If we neglect those porch swing moments, those Sabbaths, we’ll end up burning out instead of burning bright.

So how do we light the candle on one end but still continue to illuminate?

First, we trust that God will provide the time. My coauthor and I would stress about deadlines only to find that we had just enough moments to finish edits.

Second, we learn that we don’t have to say yes to everything. God will open the right doors at the right times.

Finally, we soak in the moments of rest. It’s far too easy to yearn for seasons of productivity once more. But delight in the quiet moments. You’ll wish for them when the activity strikes again.

Hope Bolinger is an editor at Crosswalk.com, a former literary agent at C.Y.L.E., and a graduate of Taylor University’s professional writing program. More than 1,200 of her works have been featured in various publications ranging from Writer’s Digest to Keys for Kids. She has worked for various publishing companies, magazines, newspapers, and literary agencies and has edited the work of authors such as Jerry B. Jenkins and Michelle Medlock Adams. Her modern-day Daniel trilogy released all of its installments with IlluminateYA. She is also the co-author of the Dear Hero duology, which was published by INtense Publications. And her inspirational adult romance Picture Imperfect releases in November of 2021. Find out more about her at her website.

Aspiring novelist Caroline Penn expected a promotion, not a picture book assignment. But when her employer, the non-profit Helping Hope, runs into financial trouble, this book might be the solution. With the company struggling to stay afloat, she and the illustrator will need to collaborate on a strict deadline—no problem for a workaholic like Caroline, right?

Andy Jackson, a “starving” artist, pays the bills by taking on graphic design gigs, but his perfectionism gets in the way. If only he could focus on a project for once, perhaps he could achieve his dream to make art for children for a living.

When the two are thrust together to create a book, Caroline can’t seem to write for children, and Andy can’t meet a deadline to save his life. As time ticks down to release day, the two must face their pasts and insecurities. If they can avoid strangling one another for long enough, they may just bring to the table what the other is missing.

If not, the fate of their careers—and a beloved nonprofit—hangs in the balance.

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