“If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

– 1 John 1:9 (NRS)

Poor decisions in my younger years led me to feel unworthy. As a teenager, I made choices I knew were wrong. Feeling lonely, comfort was found in the company of people who made bad choices. They didn’t judge me and had no preferences in who joined their crowd. More than teenage angst, this was turning away from God.

Knowing right from wrong was not the problem. I was choosing deception over honesty. Wanting to be included and evade loneliness led to my hurtful decisions. Shameful situations brought heartfelt pain to me and to others who cared for me.

Wanting to be included and evade loneliness led to my hurtful decisions. Shameful situations brought heartfelt pain to me and to others who cared for me. - @mimionlife Click To Tweet

From telling lies to my parents and family to hurting friends with untruths and harsh comments, I continued this destructive behavior knowing the harm I was causing. Nothing mattered as long as I could have friends and be included in groups. Even when those so called friends wanted to participate in dangerous events I stood by and said nothing. Never trying to change their minds or offer an alternative activity, I added to the worrisome behavior.

For every wrong action, a feeling came over me. A nudge trying to point me in the right direction. Those nudges made me angry sometimes and then, thankful at other times.

If I changed my ways, would I still have friends? Or would I once again feel left out and alone?

I needed an intervention and God was providing a different way of life with everyday occurrences.

God placed special people to assist in my faith journey.

God placed special people to assist in my faith journey. - @mimionlife Click To Tweet

From a checkout clerk at the local grocery store who smiled and asked how I was feeling, to a friend of my parents who attended church and invited me to visit and sit with them, to several neighborhood older ladies who took the time to speak to me instead of looking the other way just because I was a teenager. Small gestures from strangers had profound impacts on my life.

Each person God sent was a blessing to me, whether they knew how they had touched my life or not. As more and more nudges from God appeared in my life, I began feeling comforted by His love and protection.

My faith kept growing and I began trusting Him more. Poor decisions happened less often. Praying before acting and praying before speaking became my aim.

There would be times I failed. Yet, I learned from these special people that God forgives my sins.

There would be times I failed. Yet, I learned from these special people that God forgives my sins. - @mimionlife Click To Tweet

I needed to ask for His forgiveness and needed to speak the words to Him. My first thought was “He’s God. He already knows how I feel.”

A new friend shared how God knows our hearts but we need to confess to Him with our words.

“Father, forgive me. I have sinned against You. My family has been hurt deeply by my actions. I am sorry, dear Lord. My ways broke Your heart. Please continue to guide me in this new life. Place your hedge of protection over me and guide me to help others as I have been helped. Father, I pray I will recognize nudges from You and act on those special opportunities. In the name of Jesus, Amen.”

Peace fills my body when I share time with Him. Confessing sins and knowing He loves me is a true blessing. He welcomes me with open arms. I am loved.

Melissa Henderson is a writer of inspirational messages. Her first children’s book, “Licky the Lizard” was released in 2018. She also has a story in the new compilation, “Heaven Sightings”. Her passions are helping in community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon and Stephen Minister. She and her husband Alan moved from Virginia to South Carolina to be near son, daughter-in-law and first grandchild. The family motto is “It’s Always A Story With The Henderson’s”.

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Licky the Lizard is friendly. Like you and me, he’s created by God. There are times we forget God created all of us and differences make us afraid. Find out what happens when Licky comes face to face with a lady and how they respond to each other.

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Comments (6)

  1. I am truly thankful for His forgiveness, its hard to recover sometimes due to guilt but when I remember He forgives its so much easier, thank Sister for this much needed reminder!!

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