My novel, One Woman Falling, releases August 1, 2019. I’m experiencing all of the mixed emotions I imagine other debut authors feel: elation, excitement, nervousness, dreams of winning awards and being a bestseller— tempered by fear of bad reviews and no sales.

I’m experiencing all of the mixed emotions I imagine other debut authors feel: elation, excitement, nervousness, dreams of winning awards and being a bestseller— tempered by fear of bad reviews and no sales. -@melanieJean_27 Click To Tweet

I’ve worked for years writing this book. Many chapters have been through more than a few revisions. My family has sacrificed their time with me so that I could have time to write. We’ve made financial investments in my writing education. Now it’s time reap the reward. But what is the reward, really?

One Woman Falling was inspired by my own life. I grew up in a home tainted by addiction and abuse. Despite my best (albeit ignorant) efforts to do otherwise, I ended up in a marriage that was eventually destroyed by addiction and abuse. While writing One Woman Falling, God walked me through a valley of healing that included another round of legal battles with my ex-husband. There really isn’t a monetary price that can be attached to these experiences. There is no amount of recognition or accolades that can compare to the miracle of God’s saving grace. The reward, for me, is that through it all I’ve come to know Jesus. He’s shown me love through His miraculous protection, and by the people he put in my life at just the right times to help me and my children along the journey.

During the writing of my debut novel, God brought other women into my life who were going through similar circumstances. It was a time for me to comfort someone who was going through a trial that others may not understand. In doing so, I became even more aware of the enormous epidemic of domestic abuse in varying forms in our society. Did you know that more than 1 in 3 women in the U.S. report having experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime? Also, about 5 million children are exposed to domestic violence every year. Children exposed to domestic violence are more likely to attempt suicide, abuse drugs and alcohol, run away from home, engage in teenage prostitution, and commit sexual assault crimes.

If my book can somehow lessen these statistics and show someone else life-saving will be worth every heartfelt stroke of the keyboard (including the backspace delete ones.) - @MelanieJean_27 Click To Tweet

This is why I’m giving all of my personal net profits from One Woman Falling to charities who help families affected by abuse and addiction. I was one of those women. My children were part of one of those families. The help we received from non-profits such as Christians as Family Advocates (CAFA) was life changing.

The help we received from non-profits such as Christians as Family Advocates (CAFA) was life changing. -MelanieJean_27 Click To Tweet

Some have told me that doing this is not very smart. I should be using any money I make to help my own family and to build my writing career. They make good points. But one thing our family has learned over the years is that God always takes care of us, one way or the other. He’s picked us up when we’ve fallen, and lit our path just enough for us to see the step ahead of us.

Melanie Campbell

Melanie Campbell is a member of Oregon Christian Writers and ACFW. She wrote her first story when she was eight-years-old and has been in love with the power of storytelling ever since. She is also passionate about social issues and holds a degree in Sociology from the University of Oregon, which she obtained during her stint as a single-mom. She’s now married and lives in Oregon’s beautiful Willamette Valley with her husband, their three children, and several spoiled pets.

When not writing, she does the bookkeeping and other office work for her husband’s painting business, obsesses over the well-being of their three daughters, and cooks healthy meals. In the spring, you may find her hitting the trails to one of Oregon’s magnificent waterfalls.

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One Woman Falling Available for Pre-Order!

Cassie Peterson lives in an invisible prison of fear, chained by self-doubt and guarded by a relentless warden—her husband. Derrick’s verbal and physical abuse as well as his alcoholism have left Cassie alienated from her family, without friends, and certain she can’t survive on her own.

Available 8.1.19!

After an unexpected police visit, Cassie realizes the survival of her four-year-old daughter, Renee, depends on Cassie’s courage to leave. What she doesn’t plan on is Derrick’s vengeful custody fight.

While walking through the treacherous world of divorce, Cassie is encouraged by her spunky new friend, Missy Langdon, to pursue her love of waterfalls. Cassie finds solace in the waterfalls on the agonizing weekends she’s forced to hand Renee over to Derrick. Meanwhile, unexpected help comes in the form of Brian Sutton, an attorney at the firm where Cassie works—but what price will she ultimately pay for his assistance?

As Derrick’s threatening behavior escalates, Cassie questions her choices. How long will her daughter suffer before the custody case is resolved? Why is she drawn to waterfalls during this chaotic time? And who will stand with her when everything comes crashing down?