Happy April! Here’s to spring bringing in warmer weather, new life, and hopefully NOT too much pollen…

For the month of March we focused on doing reader live chats. If you are a reader interested in spotlighting a book via live chat on our FB group, it’s not too late! Please contact Nikki for more details. We love hearing readers share their hearts!

This month we’re doing something a little different…A Quote Matching Game!

Each day, Monday-Thurs in the month of April, we will sharing quotes from Mountain Brook Ink books on our Facebook group and Twitter. We’ll be updating THIS POST regularly with the quotes that have already been shared so they’re all in one place.

How This Works:

  • Please do NOT use a “Search” function on your e-books or PDFs! This is on the honor system that you are honestly guessing what book a quote belongs to. It’s no fun if there’s cheating.
  • Please comment your guesses! You are more than welcome to help each other out. 😉 
  • For each quote you get right you will get an additional entry in a giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card! Pretty sweet, right?

That’s pretty much it for the game! We’re a fan of keeping it simple around here.

Buuutttt…. One more thing. Did you know that by joining the conversation for the celebration you’ll get free chapter sampler? For April we’re focusing on Historical Fiction. Leave comments on our blog, ask questions, share your favorite historical fiction books (they don’t have to be MBI)… and we’ll send you a PDF containing the first chapter of each of our historical fiction series.

So what do you think? Are you excited? Do you have a favorite MBI or non-MBI book quote? Chime into the comments!

Contact Nikki: publicity (a) mountainbrookink (dot) com.


Quotes Shared So Far:

“It doesn’t take much faith to believe when everything is going well. It’s when things don’t make any sense that our faith is tested the most.” – 4/3/19

“I shivered, knowing that in my hands lay justice. I whispered a prayer, opened the door, and stepped in—right into Nero, who was standing inches from the doorway.” – 4/3/19

“Her tires squealed as she rocketed forward. The car roared beneath her as she screeched around a corner and zipped up the next block. Good thing her mom was the sheriff.”

“The bag split and the peanuts dotted the floor, scattered like the fragments of love she’d so long guarded close to her heart.”

“The past crept into the silence between them, making demands.”

“She always did enjoy a five o’clock shadow, and he knew how to wear one.”

“She wanted to shake the doctor, urge him not to quit, tell him he had to make this right. Surely, something could be done for a good man who helped others. She rocked where she sat, weeping.”

Angry thunderclouds darkened Penny’s face. “That preacher’s bacon is mine. And rest assured, Carol has just earned her way into a living H-E-double hockey sticks.”

“A day at the lake with an immortal man, a matchmaking grandmother, and a surly grandpa. What had I gotten myself into?”

“Goodness, child, is there a God? Yes. Does every religion of this world believe right and true things about Him? No. Wherever we find truth, we find someone distortin’ it.”

She slipped out of the room and made her way home through the soul-draining chill of a bleak December dawn.