Christa MacDonald, author of the SWEET RIVER REDEMPTION series.

Dear Reader,

I was thinking the other day about what connects my writing; what’s the common theme that runs through my books, my blogging, and even the few books-to-be that I started, but shelved for whatever reason? Forgiveness and grace are themes I love to write about, but finding family/community is the theme that stands out. I think that’s because I’ve learned how vital it is to connect with people, to reach out to others, especially other believers. Fellowship. It’s not word I thought about much when I was younger, but I see now why it’s so important.

Writing is one way I reach out and it has been a profound joy to hear back from you. There’s nothing quite like hearing that a character or a plot resonated with you, meant something to you. A book only starts with the writer. It really comes to life when it finds a reader. I’m deeply grateful for every single one of you. If it was not for you reaching out to let me, I doubt I’d be able to keep going. Thank you for reading, thank you for sharing and recommending my books to others. Thanks for your fellowship.
